

Title to Copyright
In the absence of specific statements to the contrary copyright for the entire web server located at www.ngberger.com a.k.a bspr09.kfunigraz.ac.at (the 'web site') (as a compilation or as a whole) lies with Norbert G. Berger.

Alternative Title to Copyright
If any information contained within the web site is the property of a third party, the identity of the third party will be clearly stated within the content of the information and/or encoded as a META statement within the source code of the information.

Moral Rights
All Moral Rights remain the property of the author/creator of information included in the web site.

Further Information

The content of this website is for educational use only. Acknowledgement must be made to the Norbert G. Berger, University of Graz. Not to be reproduced in a different medium or modified without permission.

Further information in relation to the web site and this copyright notice can be obtained from Norbert G. Berger.


Norbert G. Berger has made every effort to ensure that the information contained in the web site is accurate at the time of creation and/or modification. N G Berger reserves the right to make changes at any time, and without notice, to the content of the web site and cannot be held responsible for the content therein.

(adapted from similar pages on British University disclaimer pages, February 2003)