Friday - week 3, 9.30-11

Today we will

review yesterday's presentations: first you will get tasks to review language and pronunciation of your own team
watch some other groups presentation again and give them feedback
group 1: Cinzia, Eva, Georg, Iris Boots, language improvement
group 2: Diana, Nuj, Rene, Saif, Plastic money
group 3: Heinz, Stefan, Business schools
group 4: Jose, Juergen, Yi Shu, BMW
group 5: Harry, Jorge, Massimiliano, Sainsbury v. Somerfield
get some feedback on language, pronunciation and presentation skills from tutors
see what feedback we have from other people
group 1: Cinzia, Eva, Georg, Iris
group 2: Diana, Nuj, Rene, Saif
group 3: Heinz, Stefan
group 4: Jose, Juergen, Yi Shu
group 5: Harry, Jorge, Massimiliano

After the break you will

do some more work on meetings in your groups with Jeff and Sue
preview next week's activities