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name: Stefan Brus

B1: Submit

Date: August 04, 2000

Time: 23:50


1.In class we have discussed the introduction stage of a presentation. How you can cummunicate effectively. We also got feedback on our presentation and our language. Outside class we spoke with people on the campus, about their culture and social life. A lot of interviewed people played some kind of sport. We noticed that people are not having tea time in the afternoon. Most people just drink tea if they come out of work. Family life is very important and that is mainly the reason, I think, that they have dinner together. Many people agreed that dinner is served in England at 6 pm. The interviews we kept on Thursday were very nice, because you learn things about the the thoughts of the local English people. But if I had to chose between class and interviewing people, I would prefer the first one. This afternoon I spent a lot of time in the English Language Center working on my prepositions and English grammer. I also read the newspaper that was lying there, I guess it was 'The Independent'.

2. The presentation and language information, that were mentioned in class, were very interesting. How to behave and what words you have to use. The interviews were interesting because you got some insight about the local habits. Also because we had to keep a presentation on the subject. As I said under point 1, I spent some time in the English Language Center. I took it very interesting that there were so many programms on the computer to improve your English. The grammer files on the boxes were very interesting and very clear. It really suprised me.

3.I learned al lot of things among them what must you do in your presentation and what you certainly must not do. But also about my own presentation of Thursday. I have to speak with some more hills? {1} in it and not speaking in one tone{2}. The impression that I have of the week is the open and friendly culture of the people who workes and visits this Campus.

4.The presentation skills and the general language skills will be very useful for all the further acivities in the future. But also the teamwork and the things I learn about other cultures are interesting to know and will probably be used in my future career or life. How to plan the implementation of the knowledge, I think the information of the last couple of days is so important for my life that I wil implement it as soon as possible. That is also the main reason for me to spend time in the English Language Center and to practise a lot. The sooner you know these things, the more you can profit from it.

Thank you for correcting the first log and to provide me with feedback.


3ARTICLE - you have made a mistake with the use of the article ( ie a, an, the or zero) with a noun or noun phrase. First check that you know whether the noun is countable or uncountable, and singular or plural
3MARKER/CONNECTIVE - you may have used the wrong one, or not used one where it is needed, or used one incorrectly
2UNCLEAR - the reader does not understand what you are trying to say here
3PREPOSITION - you have used the wrong preposition, or the preposition is missing, or you don't need a preposition
2PUNCTUATION - punctuation mistake. For example, you may have used a comma when it is not necessary, or a capital letter is required.
3SENTENCE ERROR: INCOMPLETE SENTENCE - there is no main verb. Check whether you have used the wrong kind of logical marker at the beginning of your 'sentence'.
5NUMBER OF NOUN - you have put a word in the singular when it should be plural, or vice versa. Or perhaps the noun is countable and you thought it was uncountable, or vice versa. Check that you have used the right article, as well.
6SPELLING - the word is wrongly spelled.
1VERB FORM - you have used the wrong form of the verb. For example, singular instead of plural, infinitive instead of -ing, wrong auxiliary, passive instead of active or vice versa, etc.
3VOCABULARY MISTAKE - you have used the wrong word. Check in the dictionary.
1WORD ORDER - you have written a group of words in the wrong order. Re-arrange.
1LOGICAL LINKS - reconsider your logical connection.
Negative total: 33
Positive total: 0

Feedback (1)

Dear Stefan,

Thanks for your second log. Please review the comments and annotations. Keep up the good spirits.

Best wishes
