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name: Cinzia Marogna

B1: Submit

Date: August 11, 2000

Time: 18:13


The English way to talk is in my opinion [$CommNumStart$]1[$CommNumEnd$] very peculiar. It is surely a cultural question, but I think that in most situations talk in a direct way could help people avoid misunderstandings. To be polite for English people means to talk in an indirect way in order to be as much diplomatic [$CommNumStart$]2[$CommNumEnd$] as possible. We trained a lot in class the right way to interrupt people [$CommNumStart$]3[$CommNumEnd$], to express our opininons, to agree and to disagree, but it is very difficult for me use [$CommNumStart$]4[$CommNumEnd$] a such [$CommNumStart$]5[$CommNumEnd$] indirect way of speaking. That doesn't mean that in Italy everybody uses a rude language [$CommNumStart$]6[$CommNumEnd$] and doesn't have [$CommNumStart$]7[$CommNumEnd$] respect for the others, but for us the language [$CommNumStart$]8[$CommNumEnd$] has to be at the same time [$CommNumStart$]9[$CommNumEnd$] polite and very clear. The body language is also very important in the Mediterranean countries. Looking at someone's gestures and body is very easy [$CommNumStart$]10[$CommNumEnd$] to understand what they really feel and think. I think that it is easyer [$CommNumStart$]11[$CommNumEnd$] to lie through [$CommNumStart$]12[$CommNumEnd$] words than through the [$CommNumStart$]13[$CommNumEnd$] body because it is something [$CommNumStart$]14[$CommNumEnd$] very difficult to control.


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