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name: massimiliano

B1: Submit

Date: August 16, 2000

Time: 17:43


We have had the first interview with business men for the project work, last monday, and this was very interesting. For me it was the first time speaking in english, with an English man about business. So I could learn some technical words in English concerning the business world, and this was one of the first aim {1} of my choice of this course. Another interesting experience is working in a team with people of differents countries. Although we are not doing a very deep {2} and analytic {3} work, is {4} useful to discuss and to speak in order to reach a common output {5}.


1UNCLEAR - the reader does not understand what you are trying to say here
1PHRASE CONSTRUCTION - you have used the wrong construction after the verb/noun/adjective/adverb; for example, you might have used 'to' instead of 'that', or an '-ing' form instead of 'to' etc
1PREPOSITION - you have used the wrong preposition, or the preposition is missing, or you don't need a preposition
1SENTENCE ERROR: INCOMPLETE SENTENCE - there is no main verb. Check whether you have used the wrong kind of logical marker at the beginning of your 'sentence'.
3NUMBER OF NOUN - you have put a word in the singular when it should be plural, or vice versa. Or perhaps the noun is countable and you thought it was uncountable, or vice versa. Check that you have used the right article, as well.
1VERB FORM - you have used the wrong form of the verb. For example, singular instead of plural, infinitive instead of -ing, wrong auxiliary, passive instead of active or vice versa, etc.
1WORD FORM - you used a word in the wrong form. For example, you have used the adjective form when you should have used the noun form, or adverb instead of adjective etc.
2CAPITALISATION PROBLEM - you have mixed up lower and upper case spelling.
Negative total: 11
Positive total: 0

Feedback (1)

Dear Massimiliano,

Thanks for the third log. Can you understand all the comments and annotations?

Best wishes
