Colon or semi-colon?

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Look at these sentences taken from various texts. For each sentence decide why the colon or semi-colon has been used and write your answer in the form field provided. For support refer to the summary table for the functions of the markers.


  1. Outside the West you can still find a currency that derives its value from its utility or beauty: the edible cow, for instance, or the decorative cowrie shell.
    The colon is used here .

  2. We will only consider two of the ways in which cultural groups may differ in their understanding of the nature of humans: their assumptions bout whether humans are good or evil, and their views about whether the group or the individual is the basic unit of society.
    The colon is used here .

  3. The important issue for us is not to try to decide whether or not humans are good or bad; we are more interested in what this issue means for socialisation into a culture.
    The semi-colon is used here .

  4. Whereas other animals have long beaks to fetch insects out of crannies, or sharp teeth to sink into a victim's throat, humans have hands in which to hold a spade or a spear; whereas other animals have tough armour or fast legs or camouflage to protect themselves against enemies, humans have brains with which to devise hiding places and weapons.
    The semi-colon is used here .